Here are some common reasons for this error:
Sometimes Restarting your System can help you to come out of this problem :) (If you luck enough!)
Problems in Registries:-
Registries are considered to be the most important part of your
computer, these are used to store the settings of your PC to run
smoothly. Problem in these registries can make your computer to crash!.
Solution to this Problem:Clean the registry
You can use some registries cleaners to overcome this problem.There are
so many software available on Internet which can solve this problems.We
recommend to use ccleaner.
Malfunctioning Programs /software
There are some software which can crash your computer, so it is so
important to ensure that your computer supports the software to run
And running of programs infected with Virus and malware, can also lead to registers problems, finally to the Blue Screen Error.
And running of programs infected with Virus and malware, can also lead to registers problems, finally to the Blue Screen Error.
Solution to Above Problem:-
Right now there is no software or tool which can help you in checking
the compatibility issues, before installing, some times windows detects
them automatically and reports to you, So you need to get the ensure
from the manufacture of the software that it supports your windows
operating system.
Improper Shutting Down
I have seen some people and I myself shut down the computer improperly!
which is really a bad habit, which can decrease the health of your
computer and make your problems more severe!
So stop shutting downing the system directly. Use proper ways to shut down for your
So stop shutting downing the system directly. Use proper ways to shut down for your
Clean Up the Start Up programs:
The malfunctioning programs can avoid you to login into your system and
can cause the BlueScreen error, Usually these programs start running at
the Startup time and will cause the errors.
You can kill all the startup programs by following these steps:
- Boot into Safe Mode into your computer
- Then open the "Task Manager"
- and open the tab "StartUp"
- Now disable the culprit program which is causing the error.
- If you are not sure which one is causing error, you can disable all the programs!
- And restart your computer normally!
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