1 EWGF > b+1,2 > df+1,2 (B) > b,f+2,1
2 CH f,N,d,df+4 > f,N,d,df+4,N4 > d+1 (B) > dash > f,N,d,df+4,4,1
3 EWGF > EWGF > 1 > d+1 (B) > dash > f,N,d,df+4,4,1 (W) > dash > f,N,d,df+4,4,4,N4
4 f+1+2 > f,N,d,df+4
5 1+2 > f,N,d,df WS4 > d+1 (B) > f,N,d,df+4,4,1
6 CH WS2 > b,f+2 > d+1 (B) > dash > f,N,d,df+4,4,1
7 WS1 (W) > d+1 (B) > f,N,d,df+4,4,N4,4
regular ewgf...
ewgf ewgf ewgf ewgf d+1 B! = 70 Damage .
ewgf U/F+4 ewgf ewgf d+1 B! = 69 Damage
ewgf ewgf f+3 ewgf d+1 B! = 68 damage..
ewgf ewgf ewgf f+3 d+1 B! = 68 Damage
ewgf f+3 ewgf ewgf d+1 B! = 67 Damage
ewgf ewgf ewgf d+1 b! = 60 Damage
ewgf ewgf d/f+1,1 d/f+1,2 b! = 62 Damage
ewgf b+1,2 ewgf d+1 = 60 Damamge
ewgf b+1,2 d/f+1,2 b! = 55 Damage
ewgf ewgf d/f+1,2 b! = 55 damage
Hei was the 1st fighter i ever used in t2 since then they have made many changes to his style of fighting some good, some bad (Hei was def best in tekken tag since then they have toned him down loads)
Top ten moves are: Hellsweep mixups
1,2 1+2 (great finisher many players duck before the last hit lol)
B+1+2 1,2
F,N,D+3 (hei's big kick)
SS 1,2
D+3 (powerful after smashing them onto the floor from the wall)
D/F 1,2 (sadly not twin pistons tho)
Other mentions: B,F 1,2 B,F 2,2... and hei's secret slap your arse grab (so funny when u finish your opponent with it haha)
Heihachi is king of the kings
We finally have BR here
I still don't know what are the notations for new characters so i can't write how to punish them even if i know
C'mon guys we can do this together
Punishment Tools
10 Frames
1,1,2 causes Knockdown and wall splat
(*Last hit cannot be hit confirm delayed as previous versions)
1,2,2 gives standing frames, 3rd hit cancellable by ss
2,2 gives standing frames, 2nd hit cancellable by ss
12 Frames (please be reminded that Heihachi's 12frame punisher f+1+2 actually does more damage than his 13frame df+1,2 provided you followup correctly with QCF+2, use according to situation and own confidence level as it is also range dependent)
f+1+2 causes knockdown, followup with QCF+2 or df+1+2
df+4 safe mid poke
13 Frames (please be reminded that Heihachi's 12frame punisher f+1+2 actually does more damage than his 13frame df+1,2 provided you followup correctly with QCF+2, use according to situation and own confidence level as it is also range dependent)
df+1,2 wall stun
14 Frames
f,n~d~df+2 or EWGF follow up with juggle of choice (here on refered as EWGF)
14 frames is for perfect input
15 Frames
1+2 follow up cd+4,4,n,4, d+1 B!
Need Clarification on Frames
Generic Punishment
Getup 3 blocked - ws+4,4
Getup 4 blocked - df+4_f+1+2 (near wall)
Heihachi Face Up Feet Towards Getup 3 ch - cc CD+4,n,4, d+1,B!
Heihachi Face Down Feet Towards Getup 3 - ws+4, df+1,df+1,2, B!
Low Parry
SSL cd+4,4,4,n,1, dewgf
df+1,1, b,f+2,1
df+1,1 b,f+2, d+1
df+1, cd+4,4,1
EWGF, cd+4,4,1 - (Test)
W! B!
CD+4,4,n,4,4 - (situational)
CD+4,n,4,4 - (stable)
f+4 - (wall pressure/oki)
df+1_1,2,3 -10F use 1,1,2
ws+3,2 -2nd hit duckable - ws+4,4
f+2+3 -EWGF_1+2
df+2 -f+1+2_df+1,2
Ws+2 -f+1+2_df+1,2 [Test df+1,2]
FC,f+2 -ws+4,4
FC.df+2 -ws+4,4
ss+2 -ws+4,4
ss+1+2 -
UF+4 -EWGF_1+2
uf+3 -
df+4 - ws+4,4
db+3+4,3? - ws+4,4
db+4,3 - ws+4,4
db+4,4 - 1,1,2
db+3 - ws+4,4 [Test EWGF]
b+1+2,1,2 - 1,1,2
db+1,1 - ws+4,4
CAT db+3,3 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4 [Test cc EWGF]
Baek Doo San
d+3,3,n,3 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF_1+2]
d+3,3,d+3 - ws+4,4
d+4,3,3,3 - [Test EWGF_1+2]
db+4 - f,f+2
uf+4 - f+1+2
ss+2 - f+1+2 [Test]
ss triple
ws+2,1 - 1,1,2
ws+2 - 1,1,2
1,4,3 - df+1,2_f+1+2
cd+2 - df+1,2_f+1+2
cd+3 - ws+4,4
d+4 - ws+4,4
df+2,4 -ws+4,4
FC,df+4 - ws+4.4
f+3,1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+3,1 - 1+2 [Test]
cd+1,2 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
1,2,3_2,3 -1,1,2
1,2,1 -1,1,2
1,2,1,2 -1,1,2
d+3,4 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
2,d+4,3 - 3rd hit duckable, ws+4,4
1,2,d+4,3 - 4th hit duckable, ws+4,4
db+2,1,4 - EWGF [Test]
db+2,1 - 1,1,2
uf+3 - 1,1,2
db+3+4 - ws+4,4
cd+3+4,3+4 -1+2 [Test EWGF]
f+4,3,4 - 3rd hit duckable, ws+4,4
f+4,3 - 1,1,2
b+4,3 - 1,1,2
df+3 - safe move, always low parry if possible
3,2 - 1,1,2
FC, df+2 - df+1,2_ f+1+2
FC, df+1 - safe move, always low parry or u+4_uf+4 if possible
uf+4 - f+1+2
b+1,2 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+4,3 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+2,1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4 or cc 1,1,2
ff+2+3 - FC,df+4 or d+3 [Test]
cd+1+2 - ws+4,4 [Test]
db+3 - ws+4,4 [Test cc 1+2]
f+4 - ???
d+3+4,2 - f+1+2 [Test 1+2_EWGF]
db+4 - FC,df+4
ff+4 - ???
ff+2 -ws+4,4
db+3,2 - 2nd hit duckable, EWGF
uf+2 - EWGF
3+4,d+2 - ws+4,4
DCK+2 - df+4 (range dependent)
ws+1,2 - f+1+2
1,1,2 -
d+1 -ws+4,4
db+2 -ws+4,4
PAB d+2 Uppercut -EWGF (just frame), 1+2 (stable) [NOTATION for Steve's move pls]
d+2,1,2 - Last hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+1,2,1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+1,2 - no longer jails, 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+1+2 - f+1+2 [TP no longer works]
f+1+4 - unblockable, jab out mid air
u/f+3, 2 - same as d/b+3, 2
EXT DCK+2 - should be -15, ie ewgf that
alb, U_D, d+1 - ws+4, 4
1,2,1,2_2,1,2(near wall)- 1,1,2
1,2,1,d+2 - ws+4, 4 [Test] cc f+1+2
f+2>1 - ws+4,4
f+1+2 - f,f+2_DEWGF
b+1>2 - ws+4,4... although u should just LP it in case he decides to do the last piece of the string
u/f+4 - f+1+2
WR+1 - ws+4,4
ws+1+2 - f+1+2_df+1,2
4,1>2 - f+1+2
4, 2 - EWGF(range dependant)
PAB d+1 - ws+4,4
PAB d/f+1>1>2,1- f+1+2
PAB b+1>1>2 - 1,1,2
PAB u/f+2 - EWGF
PAB f+2 - f+1+2? range might be an issue
PAB d/f+2 - 1,1,2
PAB b+2 - f+1+2? range might be an issue
FLK 1,2_1,1,2_1,1,1,2 - EWGF
ws+2,2 - ws+4,4
uf+1+2,1 - ws+4,4
2,1,2 - ws+4,4
CD+4 - ccEWGF [Test ff+2]
db+3 - ws+4,4
ws+2 - EWGF? [Test]
ws+1,1 - f+1+2 [Test df+1,2]
d+4 - ws+4,4
d+4,2 - f+1+2 [Test df+1,2]
d+4 - ff+2_ccEWGF
d+4,1 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF]
df+2 - df+1,2_ f+1+2 [Range dependent]
ws+2 - df+1,2_f+1+2 [Range dependent]
d+4 - ccEWGF
d+1+2 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF]
3,2 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
d+1,4 - EWGF
ff+2:1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
uf+3,4 - f+1+2
uf+4 - f+1+2
ss+3 - ws+4,4
QCF+2 - b,f+2,1_2 [Test] (Range dependent)
QCB+3,2,1_3 - Both ender hits are duckable and punish with ws+4,4
df+1,1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
b+1,2 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2, df+1,2]
ff+2,1 ?? 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+2,1 -14F
ws+2,2 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
Feng Wei
ss+4 - ccEWGF [Test ff+2]
db+4 - ccEWGF [Test ff+2]
f+2,1,2 - ewgf, 1+2
b+1+2 - ewgf, 1+2
db+3 - ws+4,4
BT,2,1 - 1,1,2
b,f+1 - f+1+2, df+1,2
qcf+1 - ws+4,4?
f+4,3 - f+1+2
ff+4,3 - 1,1,2
f+3,4 -EWGF_1+2 (stable)
uf+4 F? 1,1,2
ws+3 F? 1,1,2
ff+1,3 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
ff+1,4 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
ff+2,1 -
ss+4 - ws+4,4
ss+3 - ff+2 [Test]
Kazuya Mishima
WGF - 1,1,2
df+2 - 1,1,2 (closest range and max ranged df+2 not punishable on block)
uf+4,4.. - ccEWGF
cd+4 - ccEWGF_1+2
cd+4,2 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF_1+2]
df+1,2 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4_cc,1,1,2 [Test ccEWGF]
df+1,4 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4_cc,1,1,2
df+1,f+2 - f+1+2 [Test]
f+2 - [Test]
b+1,2 - f+1+2 [Test df+1,2_1+2]
df+4,4 - EWGF_1+2
df+3,2,1 - EWGF_1+2
f+1+2,2 - [Test f+1+2, df+1.2]
1+2 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
db+4 - ws+4,4 [Test]
1,2,4 - ws+4.4
ws+1,2 - f+1+2
ws+4,4 - EWGF
db+3 - ws+4,4
1,2,2 - 1,1,2
1,1,2 - EWGF
b+2,4,1 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2, EWGF]
b+2,4 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
f+3 - f+1+2 up close blocked only [Test]
Roger JR
ss+4 F? ff+2
db+3 F? 1+2? ewgf? ws+4,4
ud+4 10F - 1,1,2
df+2,1 - EWGF
f+1,1,1 - EWGF
db+4 - ws+4,4
u+1+2 - ws+4,4
Marshall Law
FC,df,d,df+3 - ws+4, df+1,2_d+1 B!
d+2,3 - EWGF_1+2
b+2,3,4 - Low parry 2nd move
b+2,2 - 2nd hit duckable
df+1,3,2 - Low parry 2nd move
UF+4 - df+1,2
UF+4,3 - EWGF
db+4 - ff+2
db+3 - ws+4,4
uf+4 - 1,1,2
u/f+4 unless you are talking about the hopkick, is not Jab punishable.
FC,d,df,d,df+3 - ws+4, d+1_df_1,2B!
ss+3+4 - 1,1,2 (range dependent)
ws+2 - EWGF
b+2,2_3 - always low parry_duck 2nd hit
ff+2,1_3 - always duck 2nd hit, ws+4,4
ws+1,2 - EWGF [TEST]
Lee Chaolan
2,1,1 -1,1,2
2,1,4 -ws+4,4
1,2,2,3_2,2,3 - Last hit duckable, ws+4,4 [Test CC EWGF]
uf+4 -f+1+2
FC,uf+4 - 1+2_EWGF
d,db+4 - df+1,2 (range dependent) [Test b,f+2,1_ DEWGF, QCF+2]
d+3 -ws+4,4 [Test CC 1+2]
db+3+4 -ws+4,4
db+3 -ws+4,4
FC,df+4 -ws+4,4 [Test cc 1+2]
d+4,4,4 - Third hit always low parryable (unless 2nd hit CHs?), ws+4,4
f+2,1 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4 [Test cc 1+2_EWGF]
df+3,2 - 2nd hit duckable, ws+4,4
df+3,2,3 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF_1+2]
f,n,3,4 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
f+3,3,3,4_f+3,3,3,3,3,4 - Last hit duckable, punish with ws+4,4
FC,df,d,df+3_ff,n,3+4 - ws+4,d+1_df+1,2 or ws+4,df+1,b,f+2,d+1
ws+3,3,df+3,3 - Last hit duckable ws+4,4
ws+3,3,d+3,3 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF]
fff+3 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
3,3 -2nd hit duckable ws+4,4
3~3 -duckable on reaction
ff+3 - ???
ws+2,3 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF]
uf+3,4 - 2nd hit duckable ws+4,4
uf+3,1 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
b+2,4,3 - h,h,h string all hits duckable, ws+4,4
Wang Jinrey
1,1,2 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF]
df+2,1 - EWGF
FC,df+4,3 - EWGF_1+2
uf+4 - f+1+2
ws+3,2 - duck 2nd hit and ws+4,4
db+4,2 - EWGF
db+3 - ws+4,4
f+1+2 - ??
b+2,1 - duck 2nd hit on first hit whiff only??
b+2,1,1+2 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF_df+1,2]
d+4,1 - f+1+2 [Test EWGF_df+1,2]
d+1+2 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF_1+2]
f+2 - ??
uf+3+4 - ws+4,4
d+4,4 - ws+4,4
d+3,4 - duck 2nd hit and ws+4,4
ws+2,2,2 - ws+4,4
d+3+4 - ws+4,4 [Test]
db+2,4,1 - f+1+2 [Test]
f+2,2 -
f+4,1+2,2 -
To escape Waning Moon d+1+2 followup, Hold F (towards opponent)
To escape Waning Moon db+4,2 followup, do BT throw and block 2nd hit + punish
Nina Williams
db+2 - f+1+2 [Test Range]
ss+1 - 1,1,2
ss+2 - df+1,2 [Test EWGF]
qcf+4 - ff+2
db+3 - ws+4,4
ws+2 - 1,1,2 [Test f+1+2]
b+1+4 - EWGF
b+1 - 1,1,2
db+4,3 - EWGF [Test 1+2]
d,db+3 -
punish for bob
ws+2,2 - ws+4,4
uf+1+2,1 - ws+4,4
2,1,2 - the second 2 is low so u can parry it or block it then ws+4,4
punish for kuma/panda
df+2,1 - EWGF
f+1,1,1 - EWGF
db+4 - ws+4,4
u+1+2 - ws+4,4
punish for law
FC,df,d,df+3 - ws+4, df+1,2 B!
d+2,3 - 1,1,2
b+2,3,4 - you can parry the second move
df+1,3,2... - you can parry the second move too
uf+4,3 - df+1,2
db+4 - ws+4,4
db+3 - ws+4,4
uf+4 - 1,1,2
punish for leo
uf+4 - 1,1,2
1,2,4 - the 3 move is low so u can parry or block it the ws+4,4
ws+2,2 2nd hit is duckable on block only.
d/f+2,1(why does he have OUR TP?) -14
d+2,3 can be punished with EWGF. All it is is an animation change. Still -15
u/f+4 unless you are talking about the hopkick, is not Jab punishable.
d/b+4 = ff+2
u/f+4,3 = EWGF
Neway, heres some more steve juice :
u/f+3, 2 : same as d/b+3, 2
EXT DCK+2: should be -15, ie ewgf that
alb, U_D, d+1: ws+4, 4
1,2,1,2_2,1,2(near wall): 1,1,2
1,2,1,d+2: ws+4, 4... mebe even cc f+1+2
f+2>1: ws+4,4
f+1+2: f,f+2_dewgf
b+1>2: ws+4,4... although u should just LP it incase he decides to do the last piece of the string
u/f+4: f+1+2
WR+1: ws+4,4
ws+1+2: f+1+2
4,1>2: f+1+2
4, 2: ewgf(range dependant)
PAB d+1: ws+4,4
PAB d/f+1>1>2,1: f+1+2
PAB b+1>1>2: 1,1,2
PAB u/f+2: ewgf
PAB f+2: f+1+2? range might be an issue
PAB d/f+2: 1,1,2
PAB b+2: f+1+2? range might be an issue
FLK 1,2_1,1,2_1,1,1,2: ewgf
Here's some bruce stuff |
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