Wednesday, December 16, 2009

T6 BR bob threads

Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion Bob Combos
Tekken 6 BR Bob's New Moves
- ff+3(just like db+2)
- ff+4,4(wallsplat)
- d+1(will enter into crouch)
- df+1+2(will lie on the ground after the hit)
- WS+1,3(wallsplat)
- (Cutting Coopa)CD+4,1+2(hellsweep doesn't work anymore)

Tekken 6 BR Bob's Changes
- (Ravenous) d+1,2 has been change into b+1,2
- WS+2,2 doesn't bounce anymore (bounds on aerial combos)
- uf+1+2,1 doesn't bounce anymore (bounds on aerial combos)
- CD+3,2 doesn't bounce anymore but it will wallsplat.
- 3,4 animation changed
- df+2 will be launch into CH
- uf+1+2,1+2, is NC

Tekken 6 BR Bob Combos
Launcher: CH df+2 or uf+3
- d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1,b+1+2
- b+22, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1,b+1+2

Launcher: df+3+4,4 B!
- dash df+1,df+1,d+2,3,b+1+2
- dash b+22, d+2,3,b+1+2
- dash ff+3, df+1,d+2,3,b+1+2
- (if the only the last hit is hitted) b+22, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- (if the only the last hit is hitted) df+1, 2, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2

Launcher: CD+1
- dash d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- dash b+22, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- dash ff+3, df+1, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- dash ff+3, 1, ff+3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! ff+3, b+1+2
- dash CD+3,2 B! dash df+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

Launcher: CD+2
- dash db+2, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! ff+3, d+2,3
- dash ff+3, df+1, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! ff+3, b+1+2
- dash ff+3, 1, ff+3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! ff+3, b+1+2
- dash uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1,d+2,3,b+1+2
- dash CD+3,2 B! 1+2~f+3+4,3+4

Launcher: db+1+2
- WS+2,2 B! df+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- WS+2,1, uf+1+2,1 B! ff+3, d+2,3

Launcher: WS+2,1
- d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1,b+1+2
- b+22, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1,b+1+2

Launcher: WS+1,2
- d+1
- b+3
- (if the 2 only hits on CH) SSR d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2

Launcher: WS+1+2
- df+1, 2, 1, uf+1+2,1 B! 1+2~f+3+4,3+4
- (for females only) d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2

Launcher: CH 4
- CH 4, uf+1+2,1 B! df+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

Launcher: bb+4
- b+22, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2

Launcher: f+3+4,4 or 1+2~f+3+4,4
- WS+2,1 uf+1+2,1 B! 1+2~f+3+4,3+4
- WS+2,2 B! 1+2~f+3+4,3+4

After Parry:
- B! d+2,3, 2, d+2,3, b+1+2
- B! df+1,df+1,df+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

Bob's Bound Ender
- B! df+1, b+1+2
- B! ff+3, b+1+2
- B! df+1, CD+2
- B! ff+3, CD+2
- B! ff+3, db+2

Bob's Wall Combos
- (only for males) After Wall Carry Without Bounce W! B+22, d+3+4
- (only for females) After Wall Carry Without Bounce W! f+1,df+1.d+3+4
- After 1+2 B! (for males)b+22.d+3+4 (for females)f+1,df+1.d+3+4
- After B+4,1 B! df+1,d+3+4
- After B+4,1 B! db+4,4,4
- After B+4,1 B! d+2,1,2
- After B+4,1 B! uf+3+4,4
- After Any Bound Moves B! WS,1,3

Tekken 6 BR Azazel Juggle
- db+1+2, WS,2,1, ff+3, d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- CD+2, ff+3, d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- df+2 or CH df+2, d+2,3, df+1, 2, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2
- df+2 or CH df+2, d+2,3 ff+1, ff+1, ff+1, uf+1+2,1 B! dash df+1, b+1+2


1. df+2_uf+3
- d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B!
- b+2,2, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!
- 2,1, 2, dash, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!
- d/f+3,1, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!
- df1, df1, df1, b41 B!
- d/b+2, d/f+1, 2, u/f+1+2, 1 B!

2. (u/f+4), 4
- b+4,1 B!, dash, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- b+4,1 B!, dash, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

3. WS+2,1
- cd+3 B!, dash, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- ws+2,1 d/f+3,1, 2, u/f+1+2,1 B!
- 1, u/f+1+2,1, B!
- d+4,3,4
- 2,1, u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, b+4,1
- u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, d+2,3, b+1+2
- d+2,3,2,u/f+1+2,1 B!

4. WS+2,2, B!
- d+4,3,4
- d/f+3,1, d+2,4, b+1+2

5. WS+1+2
- d/f+1, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, f+3, b+3

6. CD+4
- uf+3+4,4
- cc d+4,3,4
- b+3
- cc, d/b+4,4,3,3 (near wall)

7. CD+3 B!
- d/f+3,1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

8. CD+2
- f+3+4,3+4
- dash, b+4, 1+2~f (mix-up)
- CD+3, B!, d+2,4

9. CD+1
- CD+3, B!
- dash, d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, d/f+1, b+1+2
- CD into WS+2,2, B!, d/f+3,1, d+2,3, b+1+2 (?)

10.u/f+1+2,1, B!
- d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

11.CH 4
- u/f+1+2,1, B!, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- 2, 2, uf+1+2,1 B!

12. f+3+4,4
- WS+2,1,
- WS+2,2, B!
- cc df+1, 1, uf+1+2,1 B! f+3, b+3?
- ws+2,1, u/f+1+2+1 B!, f+3, b+3?

13. ff+1+2
- u/f+1+2,1, B!
- d/f+2, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, ff+3
- iWS+2,1, u/f+1+2,1, B!

14. BT d+2 CH?
- dash, 1+2, B!, d/f+3,1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- d/f+1, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, d/f+1, d+2,3

15.d/f+3+4,4 B!
- d/f+1,d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

16. (df+3+4), 4
- 4, b+4,1 B! d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

17. Low Parry
- d+2,3, 2, uf+1+2,1 B!
- d/f+1,d/f+1,2,u/f+1+2,1 B!
- d/f+1, 2, 2, 2, u/f+1+2, 1 B!

- WS+2,2, B!, d+4,3,4
- WS+2,2, B!, d+2,1,2
- WS+2,2, B!, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
- WS+2,1, b+3

19. W!
- bb, db+2, b+4,1 B!
- bb, iws+1+2, b+4,1 B!
- cd+3 B!

20.b,f+1 CH?
- CD+3, B!,
- dash, d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, d/b+4(W!),4,3,4


1, u/f+1+2,1, B!

WS+2,1+2, B!
d/f+1, 1, 1+2~f, 4
d/f+3,1, d+2,3, W!, d+1+2, F!, b+2,2,4,4
dash, d/f+1, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
d/f+3,1, d+2,3, b+1+2

b+2,2, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!
2,1, 2, dash, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, d+2,3
2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, d/f+1, d+2,4, W!, b+2,2,4,4
d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, dash, d/f+1, b+1+2
d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, ff+3

WS+2,1+2, B!

CH b+3
d/b+1, WS+2,1+2, B!, d+2,3, b+1+2
d/b+1, cc, 1, u/f+1+2,1, B!, 1+2~f,4
d/b+1, cc, d+4,3,4
d/b+1, cc, 2, 1+2, B!, d+2,3, b+1+2

cc, d+4,3,4
cc, b+3
cc, ff+3
cc, d/b+4,4,3,3

u/f+1+2,1, B!
d/f+2, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, ff+3
iWS+2,1, u/f+1+2,1, B!

FC,d/f,d,d/f+1+2, W!
b+4,1, B!, d/b+4,3,4
1+2, B!, kick string >.>

d+2,1 (sets up f+3+4 guessing game)
1+2~f, 4


Low Parry[/]
d/f+1, b+4,1, B!

[b]CH 4

u/f+1+2,1, B!

On Opponent's back
Launch, 2, u/f+1+2,1

CD+3, B!, ff+3, b+3

CD+3, B!

CD+3, B!
dash, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2
d/f+3,1, d+2,3, b+1+2

u/f+1+2,1, B!
d/f+1, d/f+1, d+2,3, b+1+2

d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, ff+3
d/f+1, b+4,1, B!, d+4,3,4

b,f+1 ?
CD+3, B!,
dash, d+2,3, 2, u/f+1+2,1, B!, d/b+4(W!),4,3,4

ff+3 after B! seems to give a nice mix-up. b+3 seems to catch them if they move. d/f+1, 1, 1, u/f+1+2,1, B! picks them up if they try to quick stand.

After b+1+2, it looks like the rest of the string can hit the opponent if either delayed or if they stand?

bob top move

1/2 of the other thread is just 6.0 crap that is just confusing to new players, and it isn't clear which is for which version.

1. 1, yeah, just 1

2. 2,1

3. d/f+2

4. d/f+1

5. ws 4 (THIS MOVE IS GODLIKE super underrated)

6. u/f 1+2, 1+2_1

7. d+2,1

8. cd 4, 1+2

9. u/f+3

10. d/b+3

(11. cuz this move is that important) d+1

(12. because this is one of his best punishers f+2, 3)

other really good moves

wr 3+4






d/f 3+4,4

ws 2,1

ws 1+2


wc d/f,d, D/F 1+2

wc d/f, 2, 1


ss 1+2


bob has a lot of good moves...haha.

TOP 10!

1. d1
2. db3_d4_db4_db3+4,4
3. df1
4. f2>3
5. uf1+2>1+2
6. 21_d21_12
7. cd4,1+2_cd~uf3 mixup
8. cd1
9. f4
10. b2_b22 (godly pickup ability)

Bob Punishers

Standing Punishers
10f - 1,1,2 (24dmg, -1 on hit, close range)
10f - 2,1, (20dmg, +4 on hit, mid range)
13f - f+2,4 (32dmg, knocks down, mid range)
15f - d/f+2 (14dmg, launches (+3 on hit vs. crouch), mid range)
15f - d+2,4 (launches or knocks down?, mid to far range)
16f - b+3 (20dmg, knocks down, far range)
16f - u/f+1+2,1 (28dmg?, bounds, mid to far range)
20f - u/f+3 (20dmg, launches, mid to far range)
23f - u/f,N+4

Crouching Punishers
10f - FC 1 (5dmg, +5 on hit, zero range)
11f - WS+4 (16dmg, + on hit, close range)
14f - WS+2,2 (34dmg, bounds, mid range)
14f - WS+2,1 (30dmg, launches, mid range)
15f - WS+1+2 (20dmg, launches, mid to far range)

Other Punishers
13f- d/f+4 (+ on hit, mid range)
??f - ff+2 (28dmg, knocks down, mid to far range)
??f - f,N,d,d/f+1 (20dmg, knocks down for combo, mid range)
??f - f,N,d,d/f+2 (launches, mid range)
??f - f,N,d,d/f+3 (bounds, mid to far range)



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