Wednesday, December 16, 2009

T6 BR miguel caballero rojo threads

Miguel T6BR Combo Thread

SAV - Savage Stance, a special stance of Miguel's where his movelist changes. It can be entered into by holding forward after some moves.
See here.
B! - Bound, caused by hitting some moves opponent on a floor.
W! - Wall splat, caused by hitting some moves opponent on a wall onto a floor.
WS - While Standing, when a character is recovering from crouching into standing.
CC - Crouch Cancel, done by tapping u or ff, etc... Necessary in some juggles.
(xdmg+*1) - The juggle does x base damage + the damage from * class B! ender.

-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1, d/f+2,2 B! (61dmg+*1)
-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F SAV 2 B! (60dmg+*2)
-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1 (64dmg, carry)

u/f+4_SAV d/f+2
-3, d/f+1, d/f+4,1, d/f+2,2 B! (53dmg_65dmg+*1)
-3, d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F SAV 2 B! (52dmg_64dmg+*2)
-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1 (55dmg_67dmg, carry)
(The first two juggles can miss on bigs, use d/f+2,1 juggles for consistency)

-ws+4, d+4,1+2~F (41dmg)
-ws+4, d/b+3,4 (40dmg)
-ws+4, d/b+3~F W! SAV 2 B! (48dmg+WB!)
-cc ff+2,1 (38dmg, off-axis)

d/b+1 (charged)_SAV [b+1],2
-ws+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1, d/f+2,2 B! (55dmg+)
-d+2 B! d/f+1~F, SAV b+1,4 d+4,1+2~F (63dmg, oki)

-1,2,4, d+2 B!
-1,2,4, d/f+2,2 B!
-1,2,1+2 B!
-d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 B!
-d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d+2 B!
-d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1


CH d+2

CH 4

FC d/f+4
-cc, d+4, 1+2

SAV d/f+2
-Any standard d/f+2,1 or u/f+4 juggle

SAV 1+2
-ssl~u/f+1~F !B d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F 1,2,1
-(d/f+1~F) SAV d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d+2 B! dash d/f+1, ff+2,1
-(d/f+1~F) SAV d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 B! ff+2,1
-(d/f+1~F) SAV d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F SAV 1,2,1

CH (3), 4
-d+2 B! ff+2,1_d+1+2_d+3

CH f+(3),4
-dash f,f+2,1
-dash d+2 B! d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1

CH d/f+4,1,1
-d+2 B!
-SSL d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 B!
-SSL d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1
-d/f+3,2, d+4,1+2

Left side 1+3_2+4

b,f+1 [/B
-dash d/b+4
-dash d/b+3

[B]CH b+2,2
-CC d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F SAV 1,2,1
-FC d/f+4
-FC d/f+2

CH b+1+2_SAV (3), 3
-SSR d/f+1~F SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 !B ff+2,1
-SSR d/f+4,1 d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 !B d+4,1+2~F

Low Parry
-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F, SAV 1,2,1 (40dmg, carry)
-d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1~F, SAV b+1,4, d+4,1+2 (40dmg, oki)

Wall Splat (W!)
-d/f+1, d+2 B!
-d+2 B! d/f+1~F, d/f+2
-d+2 B! d+4,1+2~F sometimes the 1+2 whiffs dependent on the angle of the wall
-d+2 B! ff+2,1
-d+2 B! d+3
-d+2 B! d/f+1, d/f+1~F, SAV 3
-d+2 B! d/f+1~F SAV 1<2<1>low parry

d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d/f+2,2 !B ff+2,1 easy
d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1 d+2 !B dash d/f+1, ff+2,1 More Damage
d/f+1~F, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~F SAV 1,2,1 Wall carry

No Wall Juggle
u/f 4, d/f1~F, SAV 1, 1,2,1+2 B! dash d/f 1, ff2,1
d/f2,1 d/f1~F, SAV d/f1, d/f4,1 d/f2,2 B! d/f2,2 set up for D3 cnt be techrolled

Wall Carry Juggle
d/f2,1_uf 4, d/f1~F, SAV df1, d/f4,1~F, SAV 1,4 W! d2 B! ff2,1
d/f2,1_uf 4, d/f1~F, SAV df1, d/f4,1~F, SAV 1.2.1 W! b2,2 B! ff,2,1

SAV B1,2
wr 2,2 1,2,1+2 B! dash d/f 1, ff2,1
wr1, df1~F , SAV d/f1, d/f4,1, d2 B! ff2,1

FC d/f 4

CH F+3,4 (3 must not hit)
D+2 B! dash d/f+4,1 Sav 1,2,1

WR+2,2 d/f+1,1 d/f+4,1 D+2 B! ff+2,1

Top 10 Manly Moves

Top moves (from my experience)
d/f1 safe mid + sAv mix ups
f+4 Safe homing move. Has 2 as follow up being hit confirmed definitely puts this move up on the list.
d/b+3 fast + long range low use it as quick finisher
d/f+3,2 good pokin...SS after then u/f+4 works realli well
f+1+2 if you can fish a CH out of this you can d+1+2 for HElla damage as a 2 hit combo! this move can also be used for spacing
d/f+1,2 good dmg punisher, but you get punished too if this move is blocked
d+4 fast long range low poke
d/b+1 without this move miguel will drop from top tier to mid-low tier
3+4 Addition of this move definitely make SAV mix ups more useful
and you should learn ALL SAV move as all of them have their uses

Migeul Offence, frame, delay, setups

what I have found so far? whats missing, what seems to work well for others, throw follow ups, mind games, insert here.....


SAV 1,2>1
SAV b+1>2

Advantage / Spacing

f+1_1 (even or + frames)
b+3 (+ frame)
uf+1 (+ frame)
df+1 (+0 on block)
SAV d/f+1 (+ frame)
df+3,2 (space)
1,2,4 (space)
b+4 (space)
f+1+2 (space)

Good pokes on hit

db+3 (+ frame, arguably)
SAV db+3 (+ frame?)
1,3 (RC, frame, easily blocked)


ff+4,2 (Homing NC)
df+(1),1 (Left)
d/f+4 (Right)

Good moves to SS off

df+3,2 (space
df+1,1 (low negative frames
1,2 (low negative frames


10 Frames: 1,2
11 Frames: b+1+2_2,1(~F)
13 Frames: d/f+1,2_d/f+1,1(~F)
14 Frames: d/f+4,1_f+1+2
15 Frames: u/f+4 (?)
16 Frames: d/f+2,1
11 Frames: WS+1(~F)
12 Frames FC: d+1_WS+4 (not 100% sure on these frames)
15 Frames FC: WS+2,2

Things that seem to work...

df+1, sav db+4
df+3,2(block) db+1
opp techs close, ws+2,2 or sweep
opp techs wall, 1+2,1+2,

Good mixup situations
d/f+1(~F) on hit.
d/f+1,1(~F) on hit.
d/f+4,1(~F) on hit.
b+3(~F) on hit / block.
u/f+1(~F) on block.
f+2,1(~F) on hit.

Miguel Changes:

New Moves:
-3+4; puts Miguel straight into SAV. Not an instant transition.
-SAV u/f+3; mid, stuns on hit like b+1+2 with the same juggle followup. -12 on block.
-d/b+4; low, decent range, at least -15 on block.
-d/b+3,4; a second low hit after d/b+3. Second hit -15 on block.
-f+2; high, replaces f+2,1.

Property / Move Changes:

-ff+4,2 notation changed to f+4,2. Is now hit-confirmable.
-After SAV d/b+4 on hit, can juggle with ws+4.
-ff+2,1 causes a different (worse) form of knockdown, slams to the ground far away. Does not W!. -14 on block. Now jails when undelayed.
-SAV 2 causes B!.
-f+2,1 doesn't exist anymore.
-d/f+4,1,1 is jab punishable.
-d/b+1,ws+4 juggle is now very strict on axis.
-SAV d/b+4 is now launch punishable on block. At least -15?
-b+2 now gives the stun into guaranteed juggle ala b+1+2.

Will update in more detail when I get... more details. Haven't seen any vids yet.



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