Saturday, December 12, 2009


t6 br combo text
I'll keep this first post updated since the 6.0 thread is a mess. If I start slacking just PM me and I'll update this. I tried most all of these on Ling and Yoshi to make sure they hit everyone, so unless I say next to it bigs only, it should hit everyone. If not let me know so I can update it.

df4, db2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 78 (misses smalls)
b3, 32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 78 (bigs only and very very hard)
qcf1, f2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 73
df4, f1, b12 (b!), d421_2 = 72 (weird timing on the b12 on smalls.)
f4, ff12, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 72 (hard)
b3, f4, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 72 (misses small characters)
2, qcf1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 72
32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 72 (misses small characters)
db2, 2, b12 (delay the 2) (b!), d421+2 = 71
f4, ffn2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 71
2, df11, b12(b!), d421+2 = 70
b3, 2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 70
f2,f2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 68 (really the only decent juggle that hits off axis BOTH ways consistently that I found so far and hits small characters)
32, f1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 68
f2,f2,ff12,f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 68
b3, f4, f1+2 (b1), d421+2 = 68
db2, 12, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 67
f2, f2, f2, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 67
b3, 1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 67
df11, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 66
df11,df1~b1(b!), d421+2 = 66
f2, f2, df1~1(b!), d421+2 = 66

f2, qcf1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 82
32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 82 (misses small characters)
f2, df11, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 80
f4, ff1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 78
b3, 1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 77
f2, f2, ff1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 74

ws1, db2, f1, b12 (delay the 2) (b!), d421+2 = 75
ws1, f1, ff1, b12 (delaying the 2 makes it way easier) (b!), d421+2 = 70
ws1, df1~b1 (b!), d421+2 = 69
ws1, 1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 69
ws1, f12, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 68
d1, ff1, ff1, b12(b!), d421+2 = 66
ws4, d142 = 53

3, db2, f1, b12 (delay the 2) (b!), d421+2 = 77
32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 76
32, f1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 72

db2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 76
f2, f2, b12 (b!), qcf2 = 74 (misses small characters)
f2, df1~1 (b!), d421+2 = 74 (hard on small characters)
f2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 73

ch b2:
db2, b12 (b!), qcf2, ff4 = 97
qcf1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 87
f1+2, qcf2, ff4 = 86
db2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 85

ch ss1:
ff,d/f+4, d/b+2, b+1>2 (B!) DM = 95
ffn32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 89
ffn32, f1, f1+2, d421+2 = 85

b12 (b!), d421+2 = 70
f1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 67

ff+3,4, b+1,2, (B!) ff+3,4,4 = 70
ff+3,4, f2, b+1,2 (B!) d+4:2:1+2 = 75
ff+3,4, f~d/b+2, b+1 delay 2 (B!) d+1:2:1+2 = 78 (the small step foward gives the distance needed for b+1 delay 2 to B!. Timing on d/b+2 after step is tight)

ch qcb1:
ffn32, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 90
qcf1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 87
ffn32, f1, f1+2 (b!0, d421+2 = 86
db2, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 85

ffn32, f1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 77
ff db2, f1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 77
ff qcb1 (b!), ffn32, d1+2 = 67
ff qcb1(b!), ff d421+2 = 63
ff d421+2 = 55

ch 4:
ff1, b12 (b!), d421+2 = 70 (misses small characters)
ffn32, d142 = 64 (hard as hell)
ffn32, d1+2 = 56
f4, ff2:1 = 53
f3 = 42

ch1+2+3 (taunt sign smash)
32, f1, f1+2 (b!), d421+2 = 77

Wall throw combos
b12, df1~2 = 89 (misses small characters except Wang)
b12, d142 = 86
b12, df1~2 = 85 (misses small characters except Wang)
b12, d142 = 82

after low parry:
df1, 1, ff344 = 35
df+11, d/f+11, d+1+2 = 34
df+11, 1, f+2, ff+1:2 = 37
df11, f1, ff d421+2 = 37
qcf1, f1, d421+2 = 39
32, 2, ff+1:2 = 41
d/b+2,1,1,1,d+4,2,1+2 = 44
qcf+1, f+2, f,f,n3,2, d+1+2 = 46



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